Saturday, 29 September 2012

Two Nasty Chemicals to Purge from Your Bathroom: Triclosan & Phthalates


Margie Kelly, Communications Manager

A clean bathroom is a beautiful thing. But did you realize that some of the very same toxic chemicals used to clean your tub and toilet are also found in your antiperspirant or perfume? Yuck.

While you may not be able to detoxify your personal care and house cleaning routines overnight, there are toxic chemicals lurking in your bathroom that should be shown to the door immediately.

1. Triclosan

Check your soap; does it contain triclosan? Triclosan is an antibacterial agent that may be contributing to bacterial resistance in the human population, leading to superbugs that can’t be killed by antibiotics. Because triclosan may harm the immune system, there’s a concern it may make people more likely to develop allergies.

But triclosan is not just found in soap. In the personal care product realm, triclosan is present in makeup, toothpaste, anti-perspirants, fragrances, and face cleaners. It’s even in the pet’s shampoo. Actually, you can find triclosan almost anywhere in your home: in sheets, clothing, boots, tile caulk, countertops, sponges, brooms and more.

Both ubiquitous and persistent, triclosan is stored in human body fat. One study found pregnant women had higher levels of triclosan than non-pregnant women the same age.

Bottom line: Ridding your bathroom routine of triclosan may be one of the easiest ways to detoxify your home and body. Just grab some regular soap and you’ll be clean!

2. Phthalates

Phthalates are toxic chemicals used to make plastics soft and are part of the chemical composition of fragrance found in air fresheners, cosmetics, detergents, cleaning products and more. That “shower curtain smell”? It’s a sure sign of phthalates offgassing into your bathroom.

Phthalates are ubiquitous. A body burden study by the Centers for Disease Control found one phthalate, dibutyl phthalate (DBP), in all 289 people tested. Long associated with hormone disruption that reduces levels of sex hormones, and may contribute to infertility, phthalates were recently associated with doubling the risk for type 2 diabetes for people age 65 and older. Two other phthalates, diethyl and butylbenzyl phtlatate (DEP and BBzP) are asthma triggers.

Bottom line: It’s not easy to avoid phthalates so look for products labeled “phthalate free.” Ditch the vinyl shower curtain. Stay away from any product listing DBP, DEP or BBzP. Avoid scented products like candles and air fresheners.

What changes have you made to detoxify your bathroom?

Posted by Kara  on  09/24/2012  at  01:50 PM

Sara M. - For a natural mold/mildew solution I use white vinegar and a few drops of tea tree eo in a spray bottle. I spray it on, letting it sit for 5-10 mins and wipe w/ a damp cloth. The vinegar smell will fade once it’s dry. Studies have shown white vinegar alone to be over 90% effective on mold and 99.9% effective against bacteria. Adding in the tea tree eo gives the solution an extra antimicrobial & antibacterial punch. Good luck!  : )

Posted by Sara M  on  09/24/2012  at  03:36 AM

I have ditched the curtain shower for a couple of years now, its funny how we don’t really need one. I also clean with eco-friendly bathroom products, avoid as much as possible the use of bleach, (although I must confess I haven’t found a good replacement for it, for treating mold -any suggestions are welcome!)

We don’t use perfume, all bath care products are organic without any chemicals. We use Urtekram, a Danish company that hasn’t let me down yet!

Of course all of these changes we introduced gradually and there are still some more to go.

Thanks for all your information - Moms are on the right track to making this a safer world for our children!

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