There are times when a c-section is needed and thank goodness we have modern medicine to save lives and make sure baby is born healthy and mama is okay, too. But there are also times when a c-section is unnecessary, perhaps even driven by financial gain for the doctor. And that puts lives at risk. It denies a woman the chance at a natural birth. It sets the new mom up for a longer recovery. And I'll say it again because too many people think a cesarean is no big deal -- it comes with risks to mom and baby. No one should have to go through major surgery unless it's necessary.

Apparently the c-section rate in Puerto Rico is almost 50 percent and so an online campaign was born to help educate and empower mothers-to-be. It's a call to action. The video for the campaign is in Spanish but even if you can't speak the language, it's powerful to watch. I'll help translate.

I love the pregnant mama in heels and long flowing dress. I love the kids singing. I did cringe at the scalpel but I love the supportive vaginal births at the end. It's campy enough to get people watching, but carries such an important message. Just love this whole effort. Over 50 people came together to make this including health practitioners, pregnant women, moms, dads, kids, and students who all want to make a change. It's set to a hip-hop song that talks about the dangers of having a c-section when it isn't medically necessary. They want more people to be trained to be doulas and midwives to help bring this insane c-section "epidemic" down to a rate that make sense. Women haven't lost their ability to birth vaginally, but by looking at these alarming stats, it seems like they have. The people at inne-CAESAREAN urge more education and empowerment.

The main commitment of inne-CAESAREAN is to promote the empowerment of Puertorican women to face the serious public health problem represented by the high rate of caesarean sections and the unnecessary medical interventions for the mother and the baby during delivery, through a validated prevention campaign, current and attractive regarding the humanization of delivery.

I support this mission in Puerto Rico, and wish we had more awareness here in America as well. I don't want this to create a divide between women who had c-sections and those who did not, nor do I want c-section moms to feel bad -- I support you ... I am one, too. This is about education for our doctors, our selves, for the future, so our rates don't go further out of control than they are (32 percent) and so women's lives along with their babies' aren't put at risk when they don't need to be.

What do you think of this campaign? Do you think our c-section rates are too high?