jessica simspon elleWell, I guess it was bound to happen at some point. Every party has a pooper, and one grocery store in Arizona is trying to rain on Jessica Simpson's pregnancy parade by censoring the Elle magazine cover where she showed off her nude baby bump.

The store in question (a Safeway in Tucson) placed a piece of cardboard over Jess's image because customers complained about the image. Good grief. It's a photo of woman who's with child for crying out loud -- not a naked girl licking her lips who's pictured with whips, chains, and leather boots.

Does anyone else think it's completely ridiculous that anyone would find that cover the least bit offensive? Because it's not. It's a gorgeous photo of Jessica, and it's a beautiful and natural way to celebrate the miracle of pregnancy. There's nothing sexual or lewd about it -- unless you live in Tucson, I guess.

I can't help but wonder if the people who took offense to the cover have been living under a rock or inside some sort of bubble. Nude baby bumps on the cover of magazines aren't exactly a new phenomenon. Weren't these folks around when Demi Moore posed for Vanity Fair well over a decade ago?

Safeway has made it clear that it was only one particular store employee who felt the need to censor the cover, and supposedly now the cardboard hiding Jess has been taken down. But the fact that anyone was remotely put off by this image still blows my mind. This is 2012 -- not 1912!

And apparently Tucson, Arizona peeps aren't the only people who think Jessica is putting a little too much out there. Take a look at the video clip below to hear her other pregnancy comments that have made some people blush.

Were you shocked or offended by Jessica's Elle cover?

Image via Elle