For several years I have resisted placing giant bows on the tops of my small daughters’ heads but they have recently noticed that some girls wear magnificent gravity-defying ribbon-y creations piled high on their hair and they want in. I can’t really blame them, even I have fallen victim to the big bow trend that has turned “Put a bird on it” into “Put a bow on it.” So I’ve taken to my ribbon stash and created a Big Texas Hair Bow tutorial for y’all! These show-stoppers make a great stocking stuffer for ladies of any age.
Read on for the quick and easy Big Texas Hair Bow Tutorial.Start with a yard(36″) of 1.5″ wide grosgrain ribbon (or any other stiff ribbon). Cut 31″ and set aside the spare 5″ piece.
Using a marker (all marks will be hidden on the finished bow) mark 3.5″ in from 1 end. Then mark 6″ from your first line.
Then continue marking every 6″ until you have marked 5 lines total.
Double thread a needle and tie a large knot at the end. Start at one end and run a stitch up through the width of the ribbon. Fold the ribbon over as shown and continue with a running stitch.
Repeat through all lines as shown here. (Note: if you are using printed ribbon, you will want to make sure the printed side of the ribbon is always on the outside of the folds. Here, the top fold is backwards but it doesn’t matter with this woven ribbon)
Pull the string snugly from the top and gather the ribbon. Shape the loops as you tighten for a pretty arrangement.
Wrap the thread around the center a few times and sew through the center and tie off. Trim loose threads.
Take your 5″ piece of ribbon and fold it in thirds the long way. Tie it in a knot
Place a dab of hot glue on the back of the knot and center it on your bow.
Wrap the ends around the back and glue in place.
As you glue the second end, wrap it around a hair clip or pin for a finished look and glue in place.
Trim your ends to a point.
And enjoy your Big Texas Hair Bow.
Posted By Jacinda |1 Comment
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