baby footAs the nation tries to come to terms with the massacre that occurred last week at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, the stories of the victims who were shot and killed while watching The Dark Knight Rises seem to get more and more heartbreaking. And perhaps one of the worst things we've heard yet is that a 6-year-old girl named Veronica Moser-Sullivan was among the victims killed -- and her mother was just told the devastating news.

Ashley Moser was also shot by James Holmes, and she is still in the hospital recovering. Relatives just broke the news to her about losing her beloved daughter in the shooting, and she reportedly broke down in tears and said she wants to die. But as it turns out, she actually has a very important reason to live.

Ashley Moser is pregnant, and even though she was shot in the stomach, somehow her unborn baby managed to survive. And while the baby isn't out of the woods yet, I have to believe that this is the one thing that is going to give Ashley the strength to go on and somehow pick up the pieces of her life after losing her little girl.

As a mother, I can completely understand why her initial reaction would be that she wants to die, because that's exactly how I would feel if anything happened to my son. But knowing there is a growing life inside of her who has a chance, and who will need her constant love and attention has to offer Ashley a small ray of hope, and can possibly give her the will to survive.

The news surrounding this massacre has been nothing short of devastating, and we can only hope that somehow this baby will be carried to term and will turn out to be a small miracle out of something absolutely horrific.

And while Ashley Moser will never truly get over the pain of losing her daughter, perhaps Veronica's memory can live on in the life of the sibling she'll sadly never know.

What words of comfort would you offer to this mother?


Image via timomcd/Flickr