Saturday, 5 January 2013

Kenya: Narok Mum Gives Birth to Quadruplets

A woman from Narok is rejoicing after she gave birth to four kids at the Kijabe Mission Hospital on January 1. Thirty-five-year old Regina Nyambura said she was scanned months before the delivery and found to be pregnant with the quadruplets.

Speaking yesterday at her hospital bed when she was visited by Kiambu senator aspirant Terry Kairu, Nyambura said she has named the four Precious, Angel, Victoria and Joy.

"The names came from the Bible as I have conquered joyfully and it's a blessing from God to have four kids at one time. I and my family count it as a miracle from God," said Nyambura.

She said that she was hoping for a boy because she has two other girls, Brigate Wairimu, 14, and Abigail Wanjiku, 5. Her 38-year-old husband Lawrence Gitau said he is happy with the safe delivery of the quadruplets.

"We wanted a boy but God has given us four girls. We are grateful and we shall take care of them until they grow up," said Nyambura.

Doctors at the hospital are optimistic that the kids will survive despite their being born prematurely. Pediatrician Barasa Immaculate said the four were delivered in their seventh month.

"The children were not fully mature and weighed between 900gm -1kg. We have put them in the incubators for the next two months," she said. Peter Bird, the hospital's director said they mostly deliver triplets.

Meanwhile, the hospital communications officer Nelson Kimilu has lamented over bad state of the road leading to the hospital from the Nairobi-Nakuru highway.

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