jessica simpsonA couple of days ago, an uber-pregnant-looking Jessica Simpson stepped out in a pair of stilts many would refer to as platform wedge heels. She looked incredibly cute (and big!) as she teetered her way around Santa Barbara with her fiance, Eric Johnson. Clearly, fashion over function is, and has been, the name of the game for Jessica for the last couple months.

And she's so not alone. Most celebrities, save for, like, Jennifer Garner, continue to rock super-high heels while they're pregnant. And I've never faulted them, as I, too, have been wearing heels -- albeit smaller heels than Jessica's -- throughout my pregnancy. It makes me feel good, less frumpy.

But then last week I fell.

I was crossing a busy street in New York with my husband, who, for some reason, always needs to walk about a foot ahead of me ('nother post), when I sort of twisted my ankle, couldn't regain my balance, and boom, bit it right there in the middle of 10th street. It was embarrassing, as falling often is, but more so, it was really scary.

I laid there in the middle of the street, some asshole behind me laughing and my husband already at the other side, oblivious as to what happened. And I quietly -- rather stoically, I think -- freaked out. I didn't fall anywhere close to my belly, really it was only my hands and knees, but still, the only way I can describe how I felt is ... weird. I hadn't yet felt that vulnerable since I had gotten pregnant, and unless I fall again, I don't think that I will.

When you fall when you're not pregnant, the only issue -- hopefully -- is your pride. When you fall when you are, it brings an entirely new dimension to things. Did I hurt my baby? Is everything okay? Should I tell my doctor? You almost feel like you let your baby down. At least that's kind of how I felt. Because I was wearing heels.

Yes, heels. Not quite as tall as Jessica's, but platform wedges nonetheless. I love them. And they love me. They complete about 90 percent of my outfits, but now, for the next two and half months at least, I may have to retire them. Or at least make my fast-paced husband slow the hell down for the love of God and hold on to my hand.

Did you or do you wear heels when pregnant?


Image via Splash